Food Drive

FOOD DRIVE Now until’ Sunday, December 22, 2024@Lakeshore Church Let’s celebrate God’s provisions by sharing with our community.Bring in non-perishables until Sunday, December 22, 2024.Proceeds to Dorval Community Aid. Donatable Items:-Canned tomatoes-Spaghetti sauce-Pasta-Canned ham or tuna-Canned vegetables-Soup (tin or dry)-Canned fruit-Cereal-Coffee/tea-Juice-Toiletries-Peanut butter-Cheeze whiz-Jam-Rice-Jello-Treats – ie cake mix, cookies etc-Any other non-perishables-Hygiene productsIE: toothpaste, toothbrush, soap etc Thank you for you generosity.

Alpha Course – Planning Meeting

Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 7:30PM VIA ZOOM If you would like to participate as a leader, facilitator, food services, setup, host, prayer, this meeting is for you! Running Alpha and Alpha Youth. Meeting ID: 883 5605 0048Passcode: 429397

UNPLUG – PAOC Young Adult Retreat

January 9-12, 2025@Parkside Ranch1505 Chem. Alfred-Desrochers, Orford, QC J1X 6J4 Registration is now officially open!Early bird registration (reduced fee) ends on October 27, 2024Please click here for details.

Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child

Friday, November 89AMSet-up for packing party (building boxes)Saturday, November 99AMShoebox packing party – bring a friend!Friday, November 227PMShoebox transportation from Lakeshore to Westview (Pierrefonds) Sending 500 shoebox gifts will require $6000.Prayerfully, consider donating toward the shipping costs If you want to be more involved or have questions please contact Audrey 514 – 631- 2754 or email [email protected] PLEASE NOTE: If you are packing boxes at home, the last day to bring them back is Sunday, November 17

A Community Forge

Lakeshore Church and West Island Network will be hosting a Community Forge presentation on Mental Health in the West Island. Monday, October 21, 20247-9PM@Lakeshore Church The presentation will be led by Patrick Merrigan of Community Perspectives in Mental Health. The event is free, open to all and you can reserve your spot by registering below.