Seniors Ministry Team Meeting

Wednesday, July 12, 2023 7:15PM @ Church  A new ministry dedicated for older adults is beginning and we invite you to be part of it. If you, whatever your age, are interested in helping and becoming part of this, we welcome you to attend as we create and build this new ministry.

College & Adults

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 7:30PM @ Alisha’s House4295 rue Sunset,Pierrefonds, H9H 2J8 BBQ · Fellowship · Worship

Water Baptism

Sunday, June 11, 202310AM Ready to take the plunge?Please see Pastor Rudy for more information.

Plant Sale Fundraiser • Thank you!

Last weekend’s plant sale raised $3750!  All for Operation Christmas Child.Many thanks to all who participated by donating plants, pots and your time.Thanks to God for wonderful weather and again blessing this ministry.And special thanks to Audrey for all her hard work and dedication.

Memorial Service – Donald Denver De Gruchy – June 9, 2023

Friday, June 9, 2023 at 11AM There will be a Celebration of Life Memorial Service for our dear brother Denver Donald De Gruchy, who passed away April 29, 2023. For the Lakeshore Church family, Denver will always be remembered as our Sunday morning doorman, whose gentle soul and kind smile welcomed everyone to church. Enjoy heaven Denver!

Seniors Ministry Preliminary Meeting

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 • 7:15PM at Church This is a preliminary meeting for anyone interested in becoming part of a NEW care team whose focus will be the senior community of Lakeshore Church.All ages welcome.

Plant Sale

Saturday, June 3, 20239AM-4PM 225 St Louis Ave Dorval What we Need:

Women’s Breakfast

Saturday, June 3, 20239:30AM at Church With Guest Speaker:Joanne Goodwin **A continental-style breakfast will be served.You can bring something baked or fruit.

Gardening Day

Saturday, May 27, 20239:30AM Join us to help make our church look beautiful!Lunch and Refreshments will be provided. Please bring your own gardening tools ex: knee pads, shovel, hat, gloves etc.